Express Pharma

Cipla’s Yusuf Hamied recieves Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Society, UK


Cipla’s chairman among the 51 experts elected as Honorary Fellows by the Royal Society of London for the year 2019

Dr Yusuf Hamied, Chairman, Cipla has been elected as an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society, UK for his distinguished service in the field of science. The septuagenarian was bestowed upon this honour along with 50 other experts, many of whom are of Indian origin.

“This year’s newly elected Fellows and Foreign Members of the Royal Society embody this, being drawn from diverse fields of enquiry – epidemiology, geometry, climatology – at once disparate, but also aligned in their pursuit and contributions of knowledge about the world in which we live, and it is with great honour that I welcome them as Fellows of the Royal Society,” said Venki Ramakrishnan, President of the Royal Society, according to a statement released by the institution.

Professor Gagandeep Kang, Executive Director, Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, India has also been elected by the society. Fellowship of the Royal Society is an award bestowed upon by the Royal Society of London to personalities who are known to have made substantial contribution to science. The Royal Society, UK, is one of the oldest scientific academies in the world.

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