Express Pharma

Intraspheres TA as functional starter core for ER Formulations

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The first speaker for this session, Dr Ashok Omray, President, Ideal Cures took the stage to set the context for the topic presented, “Intraspheres TA as functional starter core for ER Formulations”. He informed that Ideal Cures has been partnering the life sciences industry’s progress since several decades by facilitating research and excellence in the formulation development arena. He also said that his company is constantly innovating to find effective solutions to the challenges faced by the pharma industry. He informed that Ideal Cures offers several spheres for various applications in the pharma and nutra segments. Dr Omray also explained the various features and advantages of these spheres, especially Espheres and Instaspheres.

Dr Akshay Koli took the presentation further and gave detailed insights on the various advantages of Instaspheres TA, the current offering by Ideal Cures. He explained that it offers significant benefits such as improved sphericity, cost effectiveness, better readiness in the form of instant and uniform drug layering, better control on drug release, reduced processing time and improved flow, its ease of use as a functional starter for IR and MR drug delivery etc. He also demonstrated the advantages through some case studies. He ended the presentation by assuring the audience that Ideal Cures as a good partner is working towards anticipating the challenges that the industry is likely to face and working towards alleviating them.

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