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Manjiri Gharat, Vice President, IPA receives Ishidate Award


The award was given in recognition of the exemplary contributions to the profession and improvement of society in line with the mission of FAPA in Asia

Manjiri Sandeep Gharat has received Pan-Asian Ishidate Award for Community Pharmacy at the 27th FAPA Congress held in Manila, the Philippines. The award was given in recognition of the exemplary contributions to the profession and improvement of society in line with the mission of FAPA in Asia. Gharat also delivered a talk on Community Pharmacists’ Advancing Role in Patient Care.

The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) had nominated Gharat for this award. She is the Vice President and Chairperson of Community Pharmacy Division of IPA. She is also the Vice President of Community Pharmacy Section of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP).

Gharat has been active in the area of community pharmacy and consumer medicine education. She was instrumental in establishing a public-private partnership engaging community pharmacists in TB DOTS programme. Gharat is also involved in professional development of pharmacists through Good Pharmacy Practices (GPP), to help them play a vital role in public health and to promote responsible use of medicines by pharmacists and patients. She has been regular pharma columnist in regional newspapers and has a book ‘Aushadhbhaan’ to her credit. She received the fellowship of IPA and FIP in the past in recognition of her services to the pharmacy profession.

The previous Ishidate award recipients from India were IPA former presidents, Dr B Suresh for Pharmacy Education and Subodh Priolkar for Industrial Pharmacy.

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