Industry 4.0: Driving efficient and intelligent manufacturing

Rashmi Ranjan Patra, Independent Pharma Consultant gave a detailed presentation on the evolution from Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0.

Patra informed that Industry 4.0 will be defined by the use of cyber-physical systems. He stated that in Industry 4.0, it would be essential to have fully integrated manufacturing systems which would enable sharing information across the plant floor, ensure real-time data and visibility of operations, continuous/proactive actions, technology-driven with less human intervention and use of predictive analysis.

He urged industry players to invest in systems and technologies which will help them improve productivity through optimisation and automation, enhance product quality with real time monitoring, gain business continuity with advanced maintenance; utilise predictive maintenance, leverage data and analytics to improve processes, and leverage real time data for enhanced supply chain processes and operational efficiency.

He also elaborated on why it is necessary for the pharma industry, one of the most regulated industries in the world, to match the technology trends and apply them effectively to deal with a lot of their challenges such as regulatory compliance, cyber security and data security concerns, raising their competency levels, connecting all resources etc. He concluded with the message that pharma leaders should invest in futuristic technologies and bring in a mindset change to thrive in Industry 4.0.