Canada OKs Pfizer COVID booster for kids aged five-11 years

The authorisation for a booster shot was granted after a thorough, independent review of the vaccine, which "provides good protection against severe illness, hospitalisation and death," the health ministry wrote on Twitter

Canada’s health ministry last week said it had authorised the use of Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine as a booster for children aged five-to-11-years old at least six months after receiving their initial two doses.

The authorisation for a booster shot was granted after a thorough, independent review of the vaccine, which “provides good protection against severe illness, hospitalisation and death,” the health ministry wrote on Twitter.

Canada is witnessing a decrease in COVID-19 cases but citizens must prepare for the potential emergence of new variants of the virus in the months ahead, Dr Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer, Canada, told a news conference.

“Many of the good personal protective habits we have honed over more than two years of managing COVID-19 can also reduce your risk of getting infected and spreading other diseases, including monkeypox and influenza,” Tam said.

Edits by EP News Bureau

Covid 19 vaccineCOVID vaccine booster doseCOVID vaccine for kids
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