Dak, Dawa aur Dua: A Made in India story Lakshmipriya Nair Apr 22, 2020 The alliance between India Post and India Pharma Inc is an interesting example of how intersectoral collaborations can optimise…
Rising to the challenges EP News Bureau Apr 17, 2020 Mahesh Doshi, National President, IDMA opines that government measures taken to ease operations in the pharma sector need to…
What can Indian Pharma Inc do to respond, recover and thrive in times of COVID-19? Raelene Kambli Apr 15, 2020 As pharma companies grapple with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, there are certain necessary measures that leaders will need to take…
Govt initiatives lessen manufacturing and supply chain disruptions in Indian pharma industry:… EP News Bureau Apr 15, 2020 It is important that Indian drug manufacturing is not disrupted due to lockdown since several generic drugs have been repurposed…
Will the industry sell COVID-19 meds at the min production costs? Viveka Roychowdhury Apr 14, 2020 Will the pharma industry come through? Can the pharma industry resist pressures from investors and shareholders and sacrifice…
Looming Chinese threat to Indian pharma exports in Africa EP News Bureau Apr 14, 2020 China has never been a large formulations exporter, preferring to supply to the highly lucrative domestic market and exporting…
Navigating turbulent times Usha Sharma Apr 13, 2020 Industry stakeholders share their views and concerns about the challenges and impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the…
“Demand for glass packaging is expected to grow exponentially by next year” Viveka Roychowdhury Apr 9, 2020 As plastic is being phased out by year-end, pharmaceutical companies will have to rely even more heavily on the old stalwart:…
“GS1 India has been actively providing technical guidance and implementation support for the DAVA… Sanjiv Das Apr 8, 2020 Ravi Mathur, CEO, GS1 India talks about GS1’s initiatives for the pharma sector and the impact its aims to create, in an exclusive…
China’s recovery from COVID-19 should not tempt us to take the easy way out again Viveka Roychowdhury Apr 6, 2020 One silver lining of the COVID-19 infection is that policy decisions have been fast tracked